Quantum Life Coaching (Part 3)


New Insights

As the start date for my new coaching classes approach, I find myself contemplating how this new career will impact my life. I’ve been exploring  many coaching websites and trying to understand their styles and philosophies, and, at times, I’ve sampled some of their techniques. Here are some of my insights and impressions:

  •  There is an almost infinite number of choices for anyone seeking help in taking control of their lives. Although I can’t judge how efficient or effective these coaches are in getting the desired results, there certainly is no lack in variety.
  • It seems that most coaches are focusing on a “specialized area” (otherwise known as a niche), but will still work with almost anyone on any set of “challenges”, AND they assert that they ALL have  the SECRET “tool” that will positively guarantee the client’s success.
  • Even though their are many individuals already playing the coaching game, there is till plenty of room for growth, but there is no regulatory agency nor any centralized, universally recognized certifying organization…. anyone can put up a sign and claim they are a life coach.

If you take all this into consideration, it would seem to be confusing, and possibly dangerous,  for anyone contemplating entering into a working relationship with a coach. However, to counter this assertion, it seems that most clients are more than satisfied with the results they are getting and most groups who monitor the coaching sector agree that this field is healthy and expanding at a very high rate. To me, it seems to be a win-win-win career: client’s get what they want (hopefully, more than they expect), I get the personal satisfaction of assisting another in their evolution, and I create a source of income that is directly linked to how effective I am as a coach. And, oh yeah, this all helps me grow in every area of my life…. PERFECTO!!

Advice to potential clients and coaches

If you are considering life coaching, either as a career or as a source of guidance for your journey, I’ve got a few suggestions:

  • Do your homework, and listen to your intuition…. check out as many different styles and philosophies as you can; most coaches offer a free session as an introduction… try out a couple and see what “feels right” for you.
  • If you’re considering a coaching career, try a session with a coach who has completed that particular training… see how you like that style and how effective it was for you. It is probably worth hiring a coach, at least for a while, to help you make the decision.
  • Coaching is much more about heart connections than it is about defining and adhering to a set of life rules. If you don’t feel connected to a coach, try someone else. If you don’t think you can acquire the skills needed to become an effective yet loving coach, yourself, please understand that you have many gifts and talents that the world needs… don’t sell yourself short. You don’t have to be living a “perfect” life to be helpful to someone else in their journey.

What I’m excited about

 Since I made the commitment to renew my coaching career,  I can feel a “quickening” inside me… I wake each day, looking forward to new discoveries and the many synchronicities that keep happening to me. The doubts have disappeared and a quite, calm sureness has entered my mind and soul, and each moment brings the excitement of new possibilities and opportunities. I’ve been visualizing all the successes I’ll experience and my internal dialogue has been filled with affirmations and positive conversations. I have to add here that none of this has been forced or manufactured… it has happened naturally and automatically as I move along this new journey… I feel totally inspired and intimately guided by my Higher self. I have much more to share about this, but need to end this post soon… I’ll be adding more in the future as I travel along this path… thank you from the bottom of my heart for joining me and I hope you will continue to share your thoughts and comments here so we can all play, together.